The latest Bank of Papua New Guinea figures on the economy contain some encouraging news, but also some frank talking from Governor Bakani. Foreign reserves are declining...
Image: PNG Power Head Quarter in Port Moresby Increasing private sector involvement in Papua New Guinea’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) would be a ‘powerful mechanism’ for...
Image: NDB’s Moses Liu The potential for improved financial and other services delivered via the internet in Papua New Guinea is high, the nation’s top bankers tell Business...
The Papua New Guinea Government has released its 2016 Supplementary Budget to adjust to ‘tough’ economic conditions. It assumes lower economic growth, a...
Roberta Morlin is developing an app that will be able to provide direct medical consultation for women in remote PNG. She explains to Business Advantage...
The Autonomous Bougainville Government wants to put the operation of the giant Panguna copper mine out to international tender as soon as possible, President...
The rollout of PNG’s National Transmission Network is on track for completion later this year. It will transform the nation’s digital highway, but that does...