Equipping public servants with proper management skills for effective service delivery isthe top priority for the Abau district.
This was made known duringthe launching of district’s five year development plan on Thursday at Kupiano Station outside Port Moresby.
National Planning Minister Charles Abel launchedthe development plan with high expectations of effective implementation.
Dressed in traditional attire, girls as young as 10 to 12 years old brought forwardthe Abau district’s 5-Year Development Plan in a traditional wooden dish.
It was a colorful moment but yet importantoasthe district will undergo major improverments in service delivery that it lacked for the past years.
It was obvious thatthere is no government roads linking some isolated villages inthe Abau district and can only access through by air.
This will be now a thing ofthe past. The five year development plan included effective basic delivery services and improverment on management skills in government’sectors.
“I can assure you that Abau will do everything we can to deliver our plan,” Sir Puka toldthe Minister for Planning.
Sir Puka Temu commented on improvingthe agricultural sector, notingthe recent negotiation held on establishing two oil palm projects andthe rubber program.
Minister for National Planning, Charles Abel, is optimistic to see a better outcome.
Minister Abel was vocal onthe government-community relationship andthe processes and procedures involved in order to getthe funding fromthe National Government.
Minister Abel urgedthe villagers to work withthe local level government to receive much needed basic services.
He presented one hundred thousand kina to Abau Youth Council to begintheir respective activities.