Breaking News Entertainment News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea PNG Games Rugby League Southern Sport


By Claire Mauta

PNG NRL chief executive officer Mr. Andrew Hill has dispelled rumors on PNG NRL BID nearing completion.

He said this in an inclusive interview with this news room that there is always speculation every time we have a meeting, every time there’s some small outcome, the media always seems to jump on it.

“What can I say is, there’s two governances; NRL and PNG NRL Bid working really closely and yes, we are getting closer to a decision, which requires NRL to decide when expansion should occur and the two governances are working to provide support for the franchise”, said Hill.

He reciprocated that Papua New Guinea has a long journey yet to go, despite there being some truth to it; they’re not confirmed.

“We expect that, that won’t happen until some stage later this year. So, while there’s speculation every second day, there’s headlines, I don’t expect any decision for another month or two,” said Hill.

The CEO revealed that despite the setback and media rumors around the bid, he thanked Marape and Albanese government for their support and establishment of the bid two and a half year.

“I think it’s fair to say, PNG and Australia have got a wonderful relationship, they’ve had a great relationship for a long time. And of course, for celebrating 50 years of Independence.”

“This decision by both governments to use rugby league as a vehicle to unite PNG, to bring the two nations together is a formation of most of our conversations. And so those conversations that the two Prime Ministers are having, the two governances are having are around how rugby league and particularly an NRL team based here in PNG can help bring the two countries together.” Mr. Hill said.

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