Recent violence onthe females has prompted women to arise and maketheir voices heard; giving birth to a new moverment called &ldquoWomen ArisePNG”.
Last month a nurse fromthe Lae’s Angau memorial Hospital was packed raped after returning home from work, and in January anther young mther in her early twenty’s was tortured to death in Mt Hagen. Bet little to no actions has been taken against perpetrators.
Like minded women got togther and said enough is enough, and want an integrated approach to addressthe issue throughWomen ArisePNG.
Womenwomen have kept silent and accepted violence as a traditional norm and now it is timethey rise and act now to protect girls inthe future.
The group met withthe Minister for Community Development Loujaya Toni last week and presentedthe moverment’s objectives.
Ruth Rungula, National EMTV News