News Southern

Water Supply Needed

Residents of ATS ridge Settlement outside of Port Moresby have been in dire need of water supply.

Every day they walk 5 kilometres to source good clean water for drinking and cooking.

Their call follows the recent announcement by local MP Labie Amaiu to pipe water into the whole ATS settlement area.

And as part of the ATS settlement, they deserve to be given water supply.

Chairman, Alois Esa, said many of them have been living there for more than five years after developing the land however, water is a priority need they have been lacking.

The community comprises of 600 people many of whom are public servants.

Representing mothers, Geua Vele, said many times they have walked long distances with water bottles and containers to source good clean water for drinking and cooking.

Another resident, Peter Waninumbo, said the state of Dogura River is unclean for washing. It is an obvious health hazard.

Washing in this contaminated water, they have developed contagious diseases.

And for public servants, they were denied proper bath before going to work.

Considering all these challenges they are now calling on Mr Amaiu to honour his commitment by bringing water supply to their homes.

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