Agriculture Featured Life Momase NewsFarmers are learning new cocoa cloning techniques to revive cocoa productionadminuser2403/08/202103/08/2021 by adminuser2403/08/202103/08/202104141 PNG’s Cocoa Industry has been in decline since the outbreak of the Cocoa pod borer in 2008. Like many parts of the country, the Cocoa...
Agriculture Featured Life Momase NewsCocoa farmers trained on cocoa quality control and assessorsEMTV Online28/07/202128/07/2021 by EMTV Online28/07/202128/07/202102944 The EU-STREIT Programme in Papua New Guinea rolled out a capacity-building training for cocoa quality control and assessors’ experts, enabling them to contribute to securing...
Crime NewsPNG Cocoa Board Condemns Shooting of Cocoa Farmeradminuser2401/07/2020 by adminuser2401/07/202002864 Cocoa Board of PNG has condemned the cold-blooded shooting of an innocent cocoa farmer along the Simogun highway in East Sepik on Monday, June 29. ...