
Steamships boost YWAM’s work in PNG

Australia’s Medial Ship Youth With A Mission has received K400, 000.00 fromthe Steamships Trading Company to promote its work in rural and remote communities in Papua New Guinea

It’s part of a 4-year partnership agreement between Steamships and Youth With A Mission.


The partnership is to deliver health services in rural and remote areas oPNG.


Steamships Group General Manager Rob Beadshaw presentedthe cheque to YWAM’s Managing Director Ken Mulligan atthe Steamships wharf.


Mr Beadshaw said Steamships recognisesthe importance of sustaining YWAM’s health services tPNG’s rural communities.


He added thatthere are tangible results inthe operation and lives have been transformed with Steamships support.


“We’ve been supporting since 2011 and we can really seethe difference it makes and we’re always willing to support such noble courses,” said Beadshaw.

“We would like to see how we can continually expand our operations as we look atthe training side of it andthe multiplication and, how do we strenthen it and how do we build capacity withinthe nation of Papua New Guinea said Ken Mulligan.

YWAM will be conducting three more outreaches in Western Province from August to September.

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