With only 562 days remaining, SP Brewery announcedtheir sponsorship of K4 million today towardthe 2015 Pacific Games.
ThPNG aquatic center is still under construction, asthe days are counting down tothe 2015 Pacific Games.
Today SP brewery made its announcement as one ofthe Platinum Sponsors tothe 2015 Pacific games.
Some ofthe people who attendedthe program where Sir Guise, SP Brewery General Manager, Stan Joyce, as well asthe Games Organizing Committee Chief Executive Officer, Peter Stuartowho thanked SP Brewery for their support.
When Presentingthe cheque of K4 million, Mr. Joyce said SP was pleased to participate inthe biggest international sporting event that is set to hin PNG’shores soon.
Fromthe K4 million presented, K1 million kina was given to TeaPNG in preparations tothe lead up to 2015 pacific Games which will eventuate onthe 4th to 18th of July 2015.
Withthe countdown underway for the 2015 Pacific Games, over 3000 plus athletes from aroundthe pacific will compete inthe 2015 games and about 22 pacific Islands will participate inthe tournament.