
Sape Receives LEAD Award in US

Founder ofthPNG Womenin Business Janet Sape arrived back inthe country after receivingthe LLeadersip, Equity and Diversity award fromthe Womenrsquo;s Funding Network inthe United States.

She’sthe first inthe Pacific to have receivedthe award.

Upon arrival, Ms Sape was welcomed by a small group of women, family and friend atthe Jackson’sInternational Airport.

She walked out ofthe terminal proudly displayingthe award she received fromthe Womenrsquo;s Funding Network in DetroitoMichigan.

The award honours outstanding women who demonstratethe values of Womenrsquo;s Funding Network and who inspire, challenge and serve as models for thers to become part of social change.

Janet was nominated by a member ofthe Womenrsquo;s Funding Network after meeting her in a Womenrsquo;s Entrepreneurs workshop in Vanuatu.

Onthe night ofthe award, Ms Sape highlighted tothe women gthered ofthe strugglePNG women face in starting up a business inthe country.

Ms Sape thanked everyone who have gthered and assuredthem thatthe world knew ofthe struggles women were going through and said she was happy to be associated with this women’s network.

She futher called on all men to support and promotethe work of women in all sectors sayin PNG wasthe only country that suppressed work of women.

She was accompanlied to Detroit by some members ofthe Womenof Hope from Pari Village.

Ruth Rungula, National EMTV News

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