Episodes 27- Mr. Ripen Sarepo, General Manager, Transwonderland Ltd & Mr. Mthew Morris, Deputy Director,
Australian National University Development Policy Centre
Episode 28– Dr. Thomas Webster, Director, National ResearchInstitute, Road to Malalaua, Kerema & Mr. Teddy
Taylor, United Sates Ambassador to Papua New Guinea/a>
Episode 29- Mr. Ross GarnautoChairman ofthe Beard ofPNG DP, Sir Mekere Morauta, Public Enterprises Minister,
Nigel Parker, Managing Director, OK Tedi Mining Ltd & Mr. David Sode, Managing Director ofthe
Episode 30- Mr. Marcelo Minc, Country Manager, ADBe Peter Dendle, Project Manager, Yandera & Mr. Les Emery,
Managing Director and CEO, Marengo Mining Limited
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Episodes 31- Marengo Minning Limited -the Yandera Project coveringtheir community affairs, environmental
safety monitoring andtheir investors from China
Episode 32- Ms. Janet Kaule, Relationships Manager, National Development Bank & Mr. Paul Berker, Director ofthe
Institute ofthe National Affairs
Episode 33- Dr. Aaron Beton, Country EconomistoAsian Development Bank, Sir Wilson Kammit and Mr. Allan Lee
Episode 34-
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Episodes 35- This Episode Featuresthe IBeM Enterprise Centre
Episode 36- Mr. Kevin Berne, Corporate Affairs Manager,InterOil Limited
Episode 37-
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Episodes 38- Peter Beswick, BeP's General Manager, Corporate Banking
Episode 39- David Williams, Managing Director, Larus Energy, Managing Director, Kina Petroleum Energy &
Dr. James Weiner, Anthropologist and Research Fellow (Australia National University)
Episode 40- Governor ofthe Bank oPNG, Mr Loi Bekani, Vice President ofthe Cairns Chamber of Commerce,
Gary Aylward, PWC's Partner, Taxation Practice, David Caradus & Gaden's Lawyers and Immediate
Past President of AustraliPNG Besiness Council, Ian Clarke
Episode 41- Alliance Group's National Content & Community Affairs Manager, Michael Varapik
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Episodes 42- Mr. Nalau Bengeding, The National ResearchInstitute's Research Fellow & Dr Michael Unage, NRI's
Senior Research Fellow
Episode 43- Esso Highlands Limited’s Managing Director, Peter Graham with New Crest Mining Limited’s
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Greg Robinson & Cloudy Bey Sustainable Forestry
Chairman, Rob de Fégely
Episode 44- Dr. Charles Yala, professorial fellow and land research program leader, National ResearchInstitute
Episode 45- This Episode features Australian Pacific Technical College’s training programs iPNG
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Episodes 46- Mohan Singh, CheifInspector of Mines, Minerals Resource Authority
Episode 47-
Episode 48- This Episode Features The WomenIn MiningInitiative bythPNG Chamber of Mining
and Petroleum
Episode 49- Features MRDC’s investment inthe Pearl South Pacific Resort and Spa, Curt von Beguslawski, Country
Director of World Vision iPNG, and a report on Urban Development Leases
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Episodes 50- Features Mining and Resource Exhibition 2012 in Cairns, Australia
Episode 52- Features a Special Documentary with an interview with Managing Director and CEO of Ok Tedi Mines, Mr. Nigel Parker
Episode 53- Featuresthe 12tPNG Mining and PetroleumInvestment Conference, held in Sydney, Australia
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Topics discussed:
- Largest Bedget and Government delivery
- Risks in promoting a budget with a very large deficit
- Tax review forthe Resource sector
- PM’s reaction atthe cost blow out ofthe LNG project
- Howthe government is going to fundthe purchase of 50% ofInterOil’s gas resources
- PNG – Australia relations