The petition by Porgera Mt Kare Young Generation AssociationIncorporation has been slammed bythe Acting Managing Director ofthe Mineral Resource Authority, Philip Samar.
The petition was addressed to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill with a 14-day ultimatum fromthe Porgera Mt Kare Young Generation Association.
The landowners wantthe Prime Minister’s immediate intervention to meettheir demands.
This includesthe termination of Philip Samar; K10 million paid to MKYGAI, Porgera MOA Review is Null & Void, new Porgera Mine MOA, ICAC to investigate financial affairs and appointment of new Committee to review 1989 MOA.
Mr Samar saidthe Mt Kare landowners have not involvedthemselves inthe Review ofthe Porgera MOA.
Samar added that MRA is not overlookingthe role of Mt Kare landowner’s; however, is givingthem an invitation to attendthe second meeting to be held atthe end of this month in Kokopo East New Beitain.
Mr Samar saidthe legitimate landowners;the PorgeraLandowners Association must liaise withthe Mt Kare landowners to nominate representatives to attendthe Review.