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PNG Fire Service Receives New Trucks and Equipment

By Elizabeth Guka – EMTV cadet Journalist


The PNG Fire Service in Port Moresby yesterday (31 October, 2018) received six new fire trucks and equipment, courtesy of the Japanese and Australian governments.

The fire trucks were made available through grant assistance provided by the Japanese government under Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots and Human Security Projects (GPP) Programme.

Equipment donated by the Australian government includes two refilling gas stations, 170 Personal Protective Clothing and 6 sets of Breathing Apparatus from the Queensland Fire Service.

Member for Moresby South and Minister for APEC and Lands and Physical Planning, Justin Tkatchenko, thanked Australia and Japan for their commitment towards providing such assistance, especially during such a time as APEC.

“I want to say thank you to Australia and especially Japan for their complete commitment to making sure that APEC for 2018 is a success. Without the support of Australia, especially in the security side, it would be very difficult for us, to host this APEC event. And the same goes for Japan. Japan has come forward in a big way as well with vehicles, ambulances, and now this fire engines and vehicles to support us during APEC,” he said.

The minister thanked the Queensland Fire Service for providing assistance in training the PNG firemen.

“I also thank the Queensland Fire Service as well for coming on board to train our PNG elite that are here. To enhance their skills, to utilise their abilities, to utilise these fire engines and vehicles that are being sponsored by the Japanese government,” he said.

The new trucks and equipment was handed over by Japan’s Deputy Chief of Mission to PNG, Hiroshi Nawata and Australia’s Deputy High Commissioner to PNG, Caitlin Wilson.

Hiroshi Nawata said that the Japanese government has been reaching out to schools, local governments, various institutions, and non-profit organisations in PNG for over 30 years, and is confident that the trucks will go a long way in serving the country.

“These fire trucks are of compact size and you can easily find the parts anywhere in PNG. I’m confident that this fire trucks will be used for the long time in the future.”

Nawata said that the donation of the fire trucks was made in a timely fashion, based on a request by the PNG government.

The assistance from both countries, will not only help the PNG fire service to carry out their duties, but will also bolster PNG’s relationship, with Japan and Australia.

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