Lae’s Private Sector employment has in the last several months slowed down due to major project construction phases ending.
The LNG Projects construction phase has ended leaving a large number of Lae’s Logistics employees’ without jobs.
According to the Lae Chamber of Commerce, this has been due to LNG projects construction phase ending, and reviews to the Morobe Mining’s Wafi Project.
Lae Chamber of Commerce President, Alan McLay, says Lae has had a down turn of business due to the finish of the LNG Project and reviews to MMJV.
President, Alan McLay, says other projects like the Nadzab Highway and Airport maintenance need to start, hopefully, to create more jobs for Papua New Guineans.
The Lae-Nadzab highway needs to go into initial construction phase and alternative roads need to be constructed before the four-lane highway is built.
There are talks that the Nadzab airport needs urgent maintenance to support plans to have Cairns flights land in Lae.
A Japanese Aid donor JICA is spearheading the feasibility studies to improve the Nadzab airport, while a Chinese company is building the Lae-Nadzab Highway.
These infrastructure developments are aimed at making Lae city more conducive for foreign investment.
But the concern is will these investments create jobs for every Papua New Guinean who has lost employment after previous construction projects ended, and those still in School throughout our country.
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