
Kapi: Tuition Fee Free Policy Bad

By Vasinatta Yama – EM TV, Port Moresby

While the Tuition Fee Free policy has increased school enrollments and relieved a burden from parents, some question whether it is sustainable.

Chairman for the PNG Rehabilitation Centre, Brown Kapi, says the policy set by the government was ill-prepared.

This has caused mass enrolments and a lack of capacity in classrooms. Kapi says the Tuition Fee Free policy sees more student enrolments, yet no quality education, as there is still a lack of facilities and a high teacher to student ratio.

He says it is not a long-term plan and Papua New Guinea is not prepared for it, as it is encouraging parents to become lazy.

Brown Kapi is a person with special needs.

Despite his needs, he has remained resilient in his rights as a citizen and the right to talk about national issues. He says the Tuition Fee Free policy has put constraints in education, and has contributed to more high school dropouts, not enough employment for university graduates and an increase in unemployed youths, adding to Papua New Guinea’s social problems.

Kapi urged for the policy to be reviewed and a proper structure to be put in place to assist disadvantaged children.

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