Life News

June 12th, World Day Against Child Labor

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

Monday 12th June marked the World Day Against Child Labour. Child labour is a common issue affecting many children worldwide.

Around the world, it is estimated that 168 million children are in child labour. From the 168 million, 85 million are engaged in hazardous work. This means the children are engaged in dangerous and risky work.

This was stated by the International Labour Organisation Director-General, Guy Ryder.

While the world is striving to curb the issue by 2050, the number of children in child labour continues to increase.

For this year’s commemoration, which occurred on Monday, it focused on children in conflict and disaster areas.

This is because conflict and disaster areas contribute to a significant portion of the total 168 million thus have significant impact on the children’s lives.

Because of conflicts and disaster, many flee their homes in search of safer places but instead are forced into such situations.

To help address the issue, the International Labour Organisation marked 12th June as the day to signify this battle to curb child labour.

The day was initiated in 2002, and it is in its 15th anniversary.

Today, child labour is addressed globally with the world striving to eliminate it by 2050.

The UN International Labour Organisation is making a strong call, for everyone to work together to end the suffering.

Image Source: Global Partnership for Education

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