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The people of Hiri Koiari District in the Central Province will soon see the commencement of a water supply project which will be carried out by Water PNG Limited.

This is following a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the district and Water PNG Limited last week for Water PNG to provide technical assistance to the water supply project in the district.

Present to witness the signing of the MoU were the Chairman of Water PNG Limited, Ambassador Aiwa Olmi, management of Water PNG Limited, Chief Executive Officer of Hiri Koiari DDA and staff of the DDA, Minister for State Enterprises William Duma and Member for Hiri- Koiari Electorate, Keith Iduhu.

Minister Duma commended the Member for Hiri- Koiari, Keith Iduhu for taking the initiative and assured him of the National Government’s commitment to ensure Motu Koitabu communities within his electorate receive water.

“The indigenous people of Hiri Koiari and the Central Province have made sacrifices for the betterment of the capital city of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. They are the traditional owners of the land on which the city is built and continuously expanding” Duma said.

“Central Province hosts the National Capital District and the Sirinumu Dam where PNG Power and Water PNG draw water to generate power and to supply water to the city. It is appropriate the government gives them the support they need,” he said.

Hiri koiari MP Keith Iduhu expressed his appreciation to Minister Duma, board & management of Water PNG of progress made on the water project.

“I must thank our honourable Minister William Duma for the support and the Water PNG management in ensuring the MoU is signed as a first step forward in formalizing our plan to roll out water for all communities in the Hiri Koiari district,” he said.

Water PNG Chairman Amb. Aiwa Olmi also thanked the Member for Hiri Koiari for his leadership and commitment he has undertaken to extend water services into Central Province.

“Hiri-Koiari project will serve as an example for other similar projects that Water PNG will embark on in the future”

Mr Olmi urged Water PNG executives and staff to be innovative when putting together plans for local water projects which utilizes DSIP/PSIP funds so that those plans and costings can be easily accessed for decision making purposes.  

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