News Politics

Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta Returns to Pangu Pati

Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta has described his move to join Pangu Pangu as a ‘positive step’ towards ‘prosperity and better future for the people of Gulf’.

In a statement, Haiveta said stability is critical for the nation’s recovery and therefore wants to lead the way in putting political differences aside and focus on the nation’s issues.

Haiveta said his first and foremost focus is on Gulf Province.

“We have exceptional opportunities.; we need better roads and transportation; we need new health facilities; we need the Gulf region to become export rich to be income self-sufficient.

I believe the move to Pangu Pati provides me the opportunity to deliver the outcomes for the people of Gulf.”

Chris Haiveta has a strong affiliation and connection to Pangu Pati, extending for
more than 30years.

During the 1990s, Haiveta was Pangu Parliamentary Leader; he served as Deputy Prime Minister on two occasions and was Opposition Leader.

Last week, Haiveta along with Wapenamanda MP Rimbink Pato, Menyamba MP Benjamin Philip, and Moresby North-East MP John Kaupa joined Pangu Party.

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