Counting Officials for Kerema Open have suspended count number 23 as they are awaiting a response for a petition which is currently before the Electoral Commissioner.
Scruitineers are disputing two ballot boxes from the mountains of Kaintiba and Kotidanga areas where they claim there is an increased number of ballot papers in the two disputed boxes.
As of the suspension, after count 22 for Kerema Open, Independent candidate George Mero leads with 3, 757 votes followed by another Independent Albert Kose Jnr an Vika Kenneth, an Independent as well.
To Kikori Open, after the last primary count 23, Sitting MP Maipaikai scored 2, 827 votes followed by INdependant Candidate Soroi Eoi with 2, 613 and another Independant Ezra Kerut with 2, 162. Elminatopm round is expected tomorrow.
To Gulf Regional, sitting Governor Havila Kavo polled 7,749 votes followed by Independent Riddler Kimave and former Governor and Pangu Pati member Haiveta with 5,167 votes.