
Christmas by Candlelights at POM Gen

As Christmas is nearing and many are attending Christmas activities and functions some do not havethe privilege or are unable to do so especially those sick at hospitals.


Thanks tothe Beard of Port Moresby General Hospitalthey were able to organize a Christmas Carols by Candle Light Concert atthe hospital.

Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill with his family, Member for Moresby Northwest and Health Minister Michael Malabag along with ther dignitaries attendedthe concert.     


It was a special Christmas for some asthey met and shook hands withthPM :nd Health Minister. This little baby would one day be told that that she was met bythe Prime Minister oPNG on her first Christmas. BeththPM :nd Minister trliedtheir best to at least meet as many people asthey can.


The concert kicked off with a performance fromthe Watete Comedian group and Beatbox Sensation, Dr. Rhythm.


Hospital CEO Grant Muddle Launchedthe Concert and Beard Member, Kathy Johnson thanked The Hospital Beard for the initiative.


With candles litthe Carols Started. There were performances by local artistes including Henry and Sentanya, Junior LK, Alyson Joice, BeRad and thers. 

Apart fromthe ther artist 2010 Digicel Stars winner Samantha Clark did a Solo Performance.


The concert ended with Santa giving gifts tothe Children and Fireworks display.

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