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 Bougainvillians returning from seasonal work in Australia are utilising their acquired skills and income to start agricultural projects and businesses in their communities.

So far, 85 Bougainvilleans have travelled to Australia for seasonal and long-term employment through the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme recently.

Upon their return few had shared their experiences and the benefits they gained from participating in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme recently.

PALM worker, Carol Nevirui said, “We learned how to make plants stay healthy and grow well. I now cultivate copra at home and have used my income to build a new kitchen.”

Minister for Police and Internal Security and Regional Member for Bougainville, Peter Tsiamalili Jnr presented a cheque of K1 million to the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) President Ishmael Toroama and the Bougainville Partnership to boost Bougainville’s participation in the PALM scheme.

Minister Tsiamalili Jnr said, “The economic impact of this initiative has been extraordinary. Many participants have used their earnings to build homes, launch businesses and invest in agricultural projects, including cocoa nurseries and buying dry beans. This is a great example of a partnership that is delivering lasting results for our people.”

First Secretary for Australian Development Assistance Office in Buka Dr Fiona Crockford, said the Australian Government is proud to support economic development through the PALM scheme.

 “We are pleased to see Bougainvilleans benefitting from the PALM scheme.

Returning alumni are using their new-found skills to generate income and improve the lives of their families and communities, contributing to lasting economic change.” she said.

The PALM scheme was supported by the Australian Government, in conjunction with the Autonomous Bougainville Government, PNG Labour Mobility Unit and the Bougainville Regional Member, Minister Tsiamilili Jnr.

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