Culture Life News Southern

Miss Boera crowned Hiri Hanenamo 2012

The 2012 Hiri Moale Festival was celebrated over the weekend, with the theme – Our Culture, Our Tradition.

It showed cased the rich culture of the Motu Koita people and the significance of the Hiri Trade.

Chairman of Motu Koita urged his people to uphold their culture and traditions in these changing times.

The festival ended on Sunday afternoon with the crowning of the Hiri Hanenamo Queen.

From the 20 contestants three winners were chosen for each category.

Miss Hetura 2012 is Majorie Mare from Tatana village.

Helen Walo from Gaire village is the runner up, while Dorothy Dobi was crowned the Hiri Hanenamo 2012.

Miss Dobi from Boera village pledged to uphold the culture with dignity, integrity and pride during her reign.

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