Education Highlands News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea Travel


By Edward Luke

The Southern Highlands Provincial Government has presented twelve brand new vehicles for public services, signaling a fresh start after recent challenges.

 Acting Provincial Administrator David Kelma stated that, these vehicles would empower officers to effectively restore vital public services and serve the community better.

Mendi public service operations have been facing some challenges after the 2022 National General Election which slows its operation and service delivery in the province.

People of Southern Highlands are now calling on the provincial government to move all public service offices who have been relocated to the National Capital District back in to the province.

Acting Provincial Administrator David Kelma informed the public that, the provincial building is now under refurbishment and will soon be open to its normal operation that can allow all public servants to take their offices respectively.

Kelma presented eleven vehicles indicating that the other vehicle will be presented to the education administration next week due to some reasons.

“I appealed to the public for your respect. The vehicles were in the budget and nothing will be hide.” He said.

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