

Department of Works & Highways Acting Secretary, Gibson Holemba appeals for public calm as restoration works at the washout Yalu Bridge starts this morning. He noted the flooding subsided, and contractor deployed machineries are onsite to restore temporary access.

Around 2pm yesterday the Yalu bridge got washed away by the raging current, cutting off access to the main Okuk Highway to Lae city. Local resident travellers have been left stranded over the collapse of the bridge.

More damage was done as the current gained more ground on the remainder of the bridge and adjoining road.

Police and Department of Works & Highways personnel were noted to be on the ground controlling traffic and assessing the situation.

Mr. Holemba said the Contractor has started emergency restoration works today at the damaged Yalu Bridge along this critical section of the highlands highway.

He added that other bridge infrastructure including Pine tops bridge in Bulolo that have been affected by the heavy rains and rapid flooding in Lae, Morobe Province are being monitored and restoration works are to be deployed.

Holemba said the China Railway International Group Ltd is working on the Nadzab approach and it’s subcontractor is working on the Lae approach embankment of the washout site at Yalu Bridge.

The department expects restoration of full access this afternoon if the weather permits.

Meanwhile, temporary wet crossing access is being constructed downstream for light vehicles only to access. It has just been confirmed that at 10:30am this morning the first vehicle has just crossed over using the wet bridge. The first vehicle to pass was a police vehicle and has advised for only four-wheel drives to use the wet bridge at this time.

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