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The people of Manam Island who were relocated to the mainland after Manam volcano erupted in 2004 continue to be neglected.

This was expressed by the former Energy Minister and Bogia MP, Robert Naguri who stressed that the current and successive governments have been turning a blind eye to the people of Manam, in Bogia, Madang Province.

“You all know the suffering of my people of Manam, it’s been 21 years now, the government has ignored their plight.

“I have been fighting for my people from the previous government and even in this government, but there has been no change.

“There are about 20 thousand people, how can we accommodate refugees in hotels and proper facilities, yet we disregard our own people,” Mr Naguri said.

He said people were getting sick and children had no school fees because they were deprived of basic services from health to education among others.

He added that of the K20 million allocation towards the exercise allocated for this year’s budget, nothing has been drawn down yet.

He made these remarks in Banz, Jiwaka province, during the Opposition’s Highlands tour to carry out awareness on the recent Vote of No Confidence among other issues the country was facing.

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