The 2013 Minimum Wages Beard has being launched in Port Moresby yesterday.
The board will carry out public hearings throughoutthe country to reviewthe last minimum wage determination of 2008 and determinethe new National Minimum Wage.
The Minimum Wage Beard was established undertheIndustrial Relations Act of 1962 Section 10 to 17, whose specific function or role is to set up a new Wage Determination for the country.
The last board established in 2008 setthe minimum wage at K2.29 per hour.
This has never being review for the past three years.
Bet a new board has now being established withthe undertaking to review and determine a new national minimum wage.
Minister for Labor andIndustrial Relations Mark Maipakai challengedthe new board to deliver ontheir mandate duty.
He says, it is long overdue and ordinary workers have being denliedtheir rights to a new wage determination.
The new board is made up of individuals from a cross section ofthe society.
Their Chairperson Beverly Doiwa saysthe new board is ready to carryout public hearings throughoutthe country beginning in Mendi on Monday next week.
A funding of K1.2m was given tothe board bythe national government to carry out this important task within a period of three months.
Stakeholders more particularly industrial lLeaders Employee and Employer organisations are urged to attend presenttheir submissions tothe minimum wage board.
Provincial Administrators are expected to support and facilitatethe board hearings intheir respective provinces to avoid unnecessary delays and disruptions.
Caption: Minister for Labor andIndustrial Relations Mark Maipakai.