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Works Department needs K1.6 billion every year, says Minister

The Works Department needs K1.6billion every year to maintain and build roads in the country.

Works Minister Michael Nali said this is not the case, with the Department operating below the K300million funding.

Mr. Nali said the Department is currently operating on minimum cost projects, with access and maintenance, the priority.

The Minister and Secretary David Wereh said funding the Department is crucial, however that is not happening.

Minister Nali said the Department is making every effort to fix all national roads. Despite the poor level of funding, the Work Minister said providing access is now the priority.

In the last term of Government under the O’Neill-Dion Government, the focus has been on missing links and provincial roads and bridges. Secretary Wereh said appropriate funding is needed to cater for development plans. Mr. Wereh said 5-to-10 year road plans are currently implemented, but at a minimum cost.

Both the Minister and Secretary said the Department is now aiming to build and support the capacity of districts and Provincial Government to revitalise the District Works Sub-Division.

They say this will help in maintaining roads and bridges.

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