Programs Women's World

Women’s World – GBV: Men as Champions of Change Part 2 – Episode 7

Welcome to this special edition Women’s World, covering Gender Based Violence – prevention and response in Papua New Guinea, we feature Men as Champions of Change.

How important is the partnership and inclusion of men and boys in the fight against GBV?

In this edition, we feature different male advocates in PNG; providing education, services and awareness for men and boys.

It is believed that boys and men have a key role to play in overcoming gender inequality.

Part of the discussion in this edition, involves promoting equality, human rights for all, understanding human and cultural behaviour. GBV advocacy is about creating positive change and eliminating violence.

The last segment in this episode features the Digicel Foundations Lae-based Men of Honour Ambassador, Henry Wiselam, 2014-2015 Community Ingenuity Award runner-up. Henry shares his challenges and vision for the future.

Also included is Ginigoada supervisor in Lae, Don Savi, who shares information about the two-week course facilitated by the Ginigoada Foundation on the basics of business management skills to marginalised business holders in rural areas to enhance their skills in managing their businesses. The programme is aimed at addressing gender-based violence and is delivered to communities based on demand and interest.

More available on the Season are the interrelated themes of Gender Based Violence including, health sector responses, legal and policy challenges, counselling and care for survivors, language and cultural beliefs and what men and women can do as champions for change.

If you have a story to contribute, feel free to get in contact with us at

It is also available for your listening on FM100.

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