Momase News

Telefomin: Data Collection Very Challenging

By Eric Haurupma – EMTV News, Port Moresby

The remote location of Telefomin District in Sandaun province poses many challenges for data collectors, says Sandaun Provincial Planner, Brian Pecyuma.

He said accessibility to census units is only by plane and more often than not via many kilometers on foot.

In 2012, a data collection exercise was carried out in the province for planning purposes, however, their biggest challenge remains transport.

Pecyuma said to obtain factual data and statistics they need to reach census units in the districts.

The only accessibility to the district is by plane and to reach the census units is another few hours of walking.

National Statistician, Roko Koloma said with the Demographic Health Survey (DHS), the National Statistics Office is targeting at least 800 villages to obtain data.

Giving an example, Koloma said at least 80 to 100 mothers from the ages of 15 to 45 years will access health services.

In essence, the DHS will enable data collectors to obtain statistics from those accessing government services in health, education and agriculture.


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