Entertainment Life NewsPark launches Lae Biscuit Fairies in the Park eventEMTV Online08/07/202108/07/2021 by EMTV Online08/07/202108/07/202102647 Proving to be a favourite family park within Port Moresby, Nature Park has today launched its latest family event, called “Lae Biscuit Fairies in the...
News‘Zoey’ the orphaned Joey finds a HomeEMTV Online05/05/202105/05/2021 by EMTV Online05/05/202105/05/202102140 'Zoey' an Agile Wallaby joey was surrendered to the Nature Park by a caring family that had come into her possession after some of their...
Featured NewsNature Park Hosts Breakfast to Thank Sponsorsadminuser2405/11/202005/11/2020 by adminuser2405/11/202005/11/202002094 The Port Moresby Nature Park hosted a sponsors' breakfast this morning to thank the many donors who have helped to keep the operations of the...
Featured NewsNature Park Enhances COVID-19 Safe MeasuresLillian Keneqa31/07/2020 by Lillian Keneqa31/07/202001440 Due to recent orders released by the SOE Controller, the Nature Park has put in place extra precautionary COVID-19 measures for safe practices....