Awareness Health News Papua New Guinea SouthernTwo More COVID-19 Cases Announced in Port MoresbyEMTV Online20/07/202020/07/2020 by EMTV Online20/07/202020/07/202002260 The National Command Center has just announced two new COVID-19 cases in Port Moresby. The 18th case is a 53-year-old man with no history of...
Awareness COVID-19 Awareness Health News Papua New Guinea SouthernPM Announced 16th Positive COVID-19 Caseadminuser2418/07/202018/07/2020 by adminuser2418/07/202018/07/202004093 Another positive COVID-19 case in Port Moresby brings the number to five positive cases this week alone. The 5th positive case becomes PNG’s 16th coronavirus...