By Vasinatta Yama – EM TV, Port Moresby
A Supreme Court ruling will be made tomorrow by Justice Bernard Sakora, on an urgent application to stay an earlier ruling that recognised Anderson Agiru as Governor of Hela province.
Lawyers for Komo Magarima MP, Francis Potape, filed the application today to have Potape declared Hela Governor after a majority of assembly members voted to remove Governor Agiru late last year.
Presiding Judge, Bernard Sakora, will make the ruling first thing tomorrow morning.
He said lawyers from both sides have filed a detailed submission to which he cannot make any ruling today.
Judge Sakora said this in respect to the rights and the interest of the people of Hela province.
While presiding over the matter in court today, Judge Sakora commented that sub judice is no longer respected.
He said people should not talk publicly on matters that are before the courts.
He added this following comments made by Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Minister, Leo Dion, and the Opposition Leader, Don Polye.
Dion publicly recognised Potape as Hela Governor, prompting Polye to criticise the government.