The NCD Police command has given the green light for the planned protest to go ahead in the nation’s capital tomorrow.
This was confirmed by Acting Metropolitan Superintendent, Perou N’Dranou, at a media conference this morning.
He however has set tough conditions for leaders of the planned protest to abide by.
This includes canceling the protest, anytime from now on, if they hear word of malicious intent, including speaking on issues that are before the courts.
Acting Metropolitan Superintendent, Perou N’Dranou made the announcement amidst leading heads of the NCD police command.
He said approval was given as of last week Friday, to the Peoples Power Movement, which is the group that will be leading the peaceful protest.
He said he gave authorization as stipulated under section 32 of the constitution, whereby freedom of speech is a right of every citizen in PNG.
Mr N’Dranou has put tough conditions in place, including holding leaders of the protest accountable.
He confirmed that the NCD police were acting upon their own institution as law enforcers, that they were not serving any interests.
He clarified that it was not a protest march in its entirety, but a stand-up protest to be staged near the entrance of parliament house at the National Archives.
He said issues discussed cannot be in breach of those that are before the courts, including the resignation of the Prime Minister.
He also gave a clear directive that the protest must end by 2pm, before parliament sits.
The media conference converged, as the NCD command was summoned by acting Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki, to meet with him at 2pm today.