Minister for Correctional Services, Hon. Jim Simatab today commendedthe joint Police and Correctional Service Personnel who have mannedthe search operations overthe last two months inthe effort to capturethe three hard core prisoners who escaped fromthe Bemana jail.
The killing of WilliamKapris and Raphael Walimini on Monday 22nd July, 2013 has brought this search operation to a close.
Better and standardized fencing will be adopted in all correctional institutions. Electronic security devices will be installed to monitor moverments of detainees, officers and visitors.
The Department will also adopt better training modules for its staff at all levels ofthe organization, to build technical and mental capacity of officers in dealing with different categories of detainees.
Meantime, on behalf ofthe Correctional Service DepartmentoMinistry andthe O’Neill Dion GovernmentoMinister Simatab expresses his sincere and deep sorrow tothe families ofthe diseased ontheir sad and tragic passing.
Escapee Michael Walangu was shot dead by Police near Laloki Agriculture Research Stationthe day afterthe three escaped. WilliamKapris and Raphael Walimini were killed two months later following a shootout with police alongthe Hiritano Highway.