The Police Force in Papua New Guinea can expect positive outcomes under its Police Modernization Program, which was launched in 2013.
The Program aims to supply the basic needs of police personnel, so they can execute their duties with diligence.
The Government has allocated over K250 million, to implement the Program’s roll out schedule, in various parts of the country.
The Police Force has seen changes in their infrastructure and operational facilities this year, in the hope to boost its service delivery for the general public.
These changes come under the Police Modernization Program which has been implemented, predominantly in the major centers of the country. Changes like increased police numbers, new uniforms, better salaries and entitlements, and proper housing for police men and women.
Recently, Poroma in the Southern Highlands province was the recipient of 6 new police patrol vehicles, and the construction of a police station and barracks. This donation is a partnership between the Southern Highlands Provincial Government and RPNGC.
Poroma is positioned along the same road that leads up to the multi-million kina LNG Project, and it is notorious for tribal fights, car hold-ups and other criminal activities.
But with these essential changes, the police force in that area, can now be better equipped, to somewhat alleviate Poroma’s burdens.
Southern Highlands Governor, William Powi, thanked the O’Neill – Dion government for investing in the police force – this he believes will contribute to a strong foundation of law and order in PNG.
Additionally, under the modernization program, Kagua, an area that was heavily criticized for its lack of basic services and high crime, saw the deployment of police manpower and construction of police houses to accommodate its personnel.
The manifestation of the Police Modernization Program’s rollout may seem gradual, the aim is on target. Basic infrastructure like police housing, which was ignored by previous governments, is now the focal point of the present government.
But negative internal practices by the force continue to blemish its good work. Foul practices such as police brutality, abuse of power and equipment, corruption and ill-discipline, indicate a further need, to venture into human capacity development or relevant programs, in order to see an improvement in the dealings of our police force.
Although the modernization program may enhance the service delivery to the public, the real change can only come from within our officers who enforce the law.