PNG National Party (PNGNP) Leader and Sinasina Yongomugl MP, Kerenga Kua, urged the people of Manus to vote wisely for prosperity, given the circumstances surrounding the Manus Detention Centre.
Kua was in Manus to back candidates Ronnie Knight and Dr. Quentin Reilly.
PNGNP’s visit to Manus is the beginning of the New Guinea Islands Region campaign trail for the party.
Kua said the Manus people must now decide to move forward, or see its development become stagnate.
Sitting MP Knight served for only two years after the 2012 National Elections, but has been facing a leadership trial for the past 3 years.
Knight said his key agenda to contest is for a Free Trade Zone and the removal of the Detention Centre.
PNG National Party is planning to visit East and West New Britain before polling commences.
Unlike other provinces, Manus is one several of Provinces with limited resources.
The people live a relatively simple subsistence livelihood. With a vast of its population scattered amongst its smaller islands.