APEC 2018 International News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea Sport World


This is the 7th Day of the Paris Olympic Games with Papua New Guinea yet to score a gold. China is maintaining the lead with 16 gold, 12 silver and 9 bronze, totaling up to 37 medals.

USA sits now in the second place, with 14 gold, 24 silver and 23 bronze, totalling up to 61 medals

France has moved up to third placing with 12 gold, 14 silver and 15 bronze, a total of 41 medals

Australia in fourth place with 12 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze, a total of 27 medals.

Great Britain is sitting in the fifth placing with 10 gold, 10 silver and 13 bronze, a total of 33 medals.

And South Korea in sixth securing 9 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze, 21 in total.

Papua New Guinea is yet to achieve a medal.

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