Olsem Wanem Programs

Olsem Wanem – Episode 39, 2015

We will highlight in this episode the rights of children as well as feature the AlterNatives, a group of men who advocate against all sorts of violence and negativity through their music.

Globally people celebrate 16 days of Human Rights Activism however, in PNG we have 20 days of activism, why, because we have included the Universal children’s day which falls on the 20th of November. The date 20th November is a very significant date as that was the date the UN General Assembly adopted the declaration of the rights of the child.

26 years ago a global celebration began to celebrate the ideals and welfare of children. According to the UN, one thing that all children have in common is their rights. The world made a promise to children to protect their rights to survive and thrive, to learn and grow, to make their voices heard and to reach their full potential.

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