The National Planning Department has partnered with the Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance to deliver training to district and provincial government officials.
This training will help equip governance officials with the knowledge to well formulate their district and provincial plans, to be aligned with the Medium Term Development Plan 3.
A memorandum of understanding was signed yesterday.
This Memorandum of Understanding now paves way for training programs to be delivered to district and provincial government officials.
According to Secretary Samuel, all provinces and districts are required to submit their plans to the department, to be endorsed and it is a requirement that the plans must be aligned with the MTDP 3.
However, only 75 districts have submitted their plans and 5 provinces are yet to submit their provincial plans.
PILAG CEO, Michael Barobe when signing the MOU, assured the secretary that, the training will be delivered on time, to help train the officials.
He says the institution is committed to training staff from government organizations and they have been delivering such training in various districts.
According to the CEO, the institution has also partnered with various government institutions, to offer leadership training and help build capacity at the sub-national level too.