Since the launching and roll out of the Measles, Rubella and Polio last month in Eastern Highlands province, many parents were reluctant to take their children for routine immunization, thinking that it was the Covid 19 vaccine.
Sr Jacky Terra coordinator for family health services in Daulo District after learning that said more awareness is needed, to educate the people regarding the importance of immunization.
“We need to conduct more awareness about immunization and let mothers in the communities know the importance of this immunization for children under five years and what kind of diseases affect this age group, so they will come forward to get their children immunized,” Sr Jacky said.
Sr Jacky said,”this is not a covid vaccine as covid vaccines are kept in its own facility and given by trained people. It is for people over the age of 18 and not children.”
She urged all respective ward councilors to work closely with them to conduct more awareness to educate their people to understand the campaign and the importance and benefits of vaccines and immunization rollout.