
Modilon Doctors’ Peace and Reconciliation Ceremony

by Rachel Shisei – EM TV News, Madang

The Bugati community gave two live pigs, one each to the two doctors of the Modilon General Hospital who were kidnapped early this month, along with other garden foods today.

This Peace and Reconciliation ceremony took place at the Madang Town Police station, witnessed by the police, senior medical staff members, the Bugati people and the doctors themselves.

The community leaders said they have initiated and made the ceremony happen because their community needs the hospital’s services. They added that two of the suspects come from their area, which they believe has ruined their good standing within the community.

The community leaders explained that they cannot suffer because of what the suspects have allegedly done, they say they have lost their village’s good name which they feel has already been misrepresented. This ceremony therefore represents peace for the leaders, and was an initiated to deliver that.

A Health workers’ representative said there may be a lot of government services but the one service that everyone will run to is the health service, so everyone must look after the nurses and doctors outside the hospital too.

Chickens were also presented to the police team headed by the Officer In Charge of the Criminal Investigation Division, Inspector Steven Yalamu, whose tireless efforts brought seven suspects, all in a week after the kidnapping.

Doctors' Peace and Reconciliation Ceremony

The Bugati community leaders have also made mention that the suspects from their area are settlers from other provinces, so they have decided to conduct an eviction to rid all settlers in the area.

The ceremony had not affected today’s services at the hospital. 

Doctors' Peace and Reconciliation Ceremony


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