
Modernisation of PNGDF Begins

Work on modernizingthe Papua New GuineaDefence has begun, though time maybe againstthe set deadline.

It is spearheaded bythe Defense White Paper team covering all sections, roles and responsibilities ofthe force.

Once accepted bythe Government,the document will be implemented in stages over five years.

 The consultative meeting began on Monday. It’sawthe input ofthe formePNGDF commanders.

The delegation discussedthe contents ofthe White Paper.

Withthe likes of many major infrastructure and resource developments,the O’Neill-Dion government is focused on making sure allthese prospects are protected.

The Defense White Paper is focused on encompassing all areas concerning national security.

This includesthe beefing up of manpower to five thousand in 2015, trade protection alongthe border provinces, prepare and uphold international obligations, re-fleeting Defense assets, re-institutethe Joint Services college, relocation of Murray Barracks andthPNGDF naval base and aid to civil power, security, natural disaster and humanitarian assistance.

Commander Agwi saidthe relocation of Murray Barracks alsothPNG Defense Force headquarters is yet to be finalized.

He saidthe White Paper coversthese and ther vital areas that will lead tothe modernization ofthe force.

This document once finalized and presented tothe National Security Advisory Committeethen tothe National Executive Council for approval will be owned bythe national government.

The document will be in line withthPNG 2050 Vision and will rebuild and modernizethe Defense Organization.

Bernadette Efi, National EMTV News

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