Law and order in the township of Ialibu in the Southern Highlands Province, has been stable, however police officers continue to face housing woes.
Ialibu Police Station Commander, Inspector Mack Hanema, said police will only perform better if housed in a proper barracks.
Inspector Hanema is calling on the police hierarchy to address this issue for the policemen and women in Ialibu.
Ialibu town, in the Ialibu-Pangia electorate, has been known for its endless tribal wars, however police engagement in the district has seen a decrease in crime and tribal fights.
More police manpower has made the place crime free as people attend to their daily chores.
Despite this effort by police in Ialibu, a major concern is their housing.
Station Commander, Inspector Mack Hanema, said currently 3 houses are being shared by 4 officers, while others seek accommodation elsewhere.
Inspector Hanema said his men will keep performing at their best to maintain law and order in the small township, but wants the government to build a barracks to house all his officers.
He hopes the police modernization program will soon be introduced in the district.
Meanwhile, the liquor ban in the Southern Highlands is still being maintained, however, locals say people still smuggle cartons of beer through feeder roads, for sale and consumption.