Islands News

Holy Cross Nissan High Celebrates Silver Jubilee

Holy Cross Nissan High School in the Autonomous Region has celebrated its 25 Years of silver jubilee

The silver jubilee was commemorated on September 14 during the Feastday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar.

A Cross was erected in the schools arena, to mark the silver jubilee.

Holy Cross High School was established during the height of the Bougainville Conflict, because of the need to provide education for  the children.

Head Teacher, Alfred Sagolo, thanked the people of Nissan and stakeholders for allowing education services on the island.

“This celebration marks our achievement. It’s a young school and we still have a long way to go to make this school a better school.”

Students were also proud celebrating the silver jubilee describing it as a memorable event.

A student, Annirose Reman, was happy to be part of this celebration.

“We are so proud as ambassadors of Holy Cross Nissan High School and we thank God for coming this far,” says Annirose.

George Mobin is the longest serving teacher of Holy Cross High School since 1991.

For Mr Mobin, it’s a dual celebration, 25 years for the school and also himself, for teaching since the school’s establishment in 1991.

And he is well versed with the history of this school.

“It was not that easy, it was quiet difficult becsue our lessons did not resume at normal times,”

“We normally started our lessons after 10am because many students resided in the villages and we have to pick them up early in the morning using the truck that was given by the Bougainville administration,” Mobin said.

Mr Mobin said that Holy cross High School, has also contributed with the human resources.

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