A new police post will address Law and’Order problems along the Hiritano Highway in Central Province.
The new police Station will be built here at Brown River, along the Hiritano Highway, in the Kairuku Hiri electorate.
This project is funded under the district’s law and justice sector at a cost of five hundred thousand kina.
Its establishment will support the Laloki police and Dua police stations.
Yesterday the member for Kairuku Hiri marked the beginning of ground works for the new police station.
The Hiritano police station will be a 30-man unit stationed to patrol the highway for the safety of the travelling public.
Beginning of ground works marks phase one of this project, funded under the District’s Improvement Service Program or DSIP.
The member said this project, once completed, will be bigger than Laloki, and he urged all villagers, including landowners and settlers, to act responsibly and refrain from unlawful behaviours.
He told those that gathered, that the main reason for this initiative was to fix the law and’Order problems in the area.
He also pointed out that the spill over effects of population increase in NCD has affected the landowners when settlers moved there from the city.
The Buai ban in the city of Port Moresby and the establishment of Ruburogo market, have been attributed to more social problems in the area.
The new police station will be constructed along with of houses for police personnel to be based at Brown River.