
Guard Dog and ESS Reconcile

The two security companies involved in violent clashes in Lae last week have announced an end tothe hostilities.

It’started with a small alcohol related incident last week and within hours escalated into violent clashes where shots were fired and police had to be called in.

The fighting left at least ten people, members ofthe both security firms seriously injured.

Atthe Lae Yacht Club, one ESS member was stabbed; Guard Dog members meanwhile have had to undergo surgery.

Apart fromthe human costoboth companies are still working on a total damage bill. The Yacht Club will be compensated as soon asthe costs are established.

Beth companies desperately want to putthe embarrassing episode behindthem.

Meanwhile, a three men police investigating team has been tasked to look intothe problem. Guards on both sides who were involved inthe criminal actions will be handed over to police.

Scott Waide, National EMTV News – LAE

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