Education Life News Papua New Guinea Southern Travel


By Jim John

Students from Western Province who will be sitting for their exams next month have been urged not to get involved in illegal activities that may interrupt them during the national examination week.

They are encouraged to obey their parents and guardian advices instead.

Following the resumption of term four academic year, Western students are reminded to prioritize their studies for better future.

Western Provincial Education Advisor Mr. Charlie Buia said all schools have prepared their students well and they were looking forward to sit the exams next month.

“Grade 10, Grade 12 and Grade 8 students you have only one week left so focus on your

exam. Teachers have done their part so it is up to you individual to do your best.” he said.

He further said that some schools had been participating during the independence celebrations with their cultural shows and so far there has been peaceful celebrations in Western Province.

He reminded the students that the future of the province and country lies on their hands, therefore should refrain from much social activities and roaming with peers at this time.

“What you do today will determine your future. Doorway into tertiary institutions, Upper Secondary and high schools lies on you.” Mr Buia said.

Caption: Kiunga Secondary School students during the World Environment Day observed

at school recently.

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