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Minister in charge of Department of provincial and Lola level Government Soroi Eoe handing over the LLG Proclamations and Gazettal’s over to Electoral Commissioner , Simon Sinai. EMTV FILE PICTURE

By: Samantha Solomon

The local level government Proclamations and Gazettal’s were handed over to Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai on Friday 14th of June at the Gateway Hotel in Port Moresby.

The departmental heads for Department of Provincial and local level government together with Minister Eoe were present to hand over the documents to the EC team.

Minister in charge of Department of provincial and Lola level Government Soroi Eoe upon presentation announced how the progress of the Elections will go.

Minister Eoe says Eight provinces to elect their LLG Heads by councilors in the LLG assembly. The eight provinces are Hela, Southern Highlands, Enga, Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Simbu, Eastern Highlands and Morobe Proince.

National Executive Council has also approved for a determination to be made by Governor General under Section 234 subsection 2 of the organic law on National and Local level Government Elections for 12 other provinces to elect their LLG heads directly by people. They are Madang, East Sepik, West Sepik, Nortern, Alotau, Central, Gulf, Western, Manus, New Ireland, West New Britain and East New Britain .

Minister further elaborated that after careful consideration and nothing of issues and circumstances relating to previous LLG election matters and considering current law and order situations in certain parts of country, cabinet has approved both methods of electing Heads basing on choices made by respective provincial Government.

He reaffirmed the dates for the LLG election and they are:

 Issue of writs :          Thursday, 25th July (4.00pm)

Nomination Close:     Thursday, 1st August 2024 (4pm)

Polling starts:            Saturday, 24th Augusta 2024 

Polling Ends:          Friday, 6th September 2024

Return of writs on or Before:    Friday, 27TH September 2024

Electoral commission upon receiving the Gazettal’s assured Minister Eoe and the team that his team will carry out the process and finish in due time.

He clarified on the decision for the provinces to use two different methods to choose their LLG heads or council presidents. He says the Cabinet did not make a mistake they followed the law to do that.

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