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On Saturday morning Coca Cola Europacific Partners PNG and Branis Recycling here in the Nations Capital launched a recycling awareness campaign in Hanuabada Village in Port Moresby’s North West.

The campaign was initaially though of in 2019 , however was launched the P.E.T plastic bottles in May 2023. For the past month , village church leaders have been encouraging villagers to save their PET plastic bottles. On Saturday , Branis Recycling collected the plastic bottles and will pay out one kina K1.00 to the churches for every kilo of PET plastic bottles received.

CCEP PNG Sales and Commercial Director , Tim Solly said that are really excited to bring recycling to Hanuabada . Last year they Coca Cola launced a PET recycling scheme in Port Moresby and are now collecting and recycling around 25% of the PET plastic bottles that the company puts out into the market in NCD.

” Its important we continue to raise awareness so people know they can earn money by collecting and recycling PET plastic beverage bottles. This will increase the amount collected and ensure it is recycled and doesn’t end up where it doesn’t belong – like in the landfill or in the environment.

He also encouraged Hanuabada residents to continue to collect PET plastic bottles after the event and earn K1.00 a kilo of material by returning them to the nearest Branis Recycling collection point in Hohola , Gordons and Gerehu sites.

Mr. Solly says once the bottles have been collected , they are turned into plastic flake, using a granulator at Branis Recycling’s facility and then exported to Malaysia for recycling.

Hanuabada village councillor , Rarua Dikana said that are delighted to be the first Motu Koita village to partner with Cocal Cola on a PET plastic bottle collection programme.

” We are happy this partnership is with our local church , Lakani Toi Memorial , which will see the earnings from our first collection drive be given to the church.”.

“We encourage all villagers to get behind this programme and look after our village , our communities and our planet for the benefit of generations to come’ he said.

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