Featured NewsThe New Normal for Teacher Trainingadminuser2402/09/202002/09/2020 by adminuser2402/09/202002/09/202002825 How does one equip teachers in remote communities with the skills they need to effectively teach children to read when traveling is not an option...
Featured Health NewsBlood Donations VitalLillian Keneqa03/07/2020 by Lillian Keneqa03/07/202002849 Nurse Manager at the Sir Brian Bell Center for Transfusion Medicine at Port Moresby General Hospital Sister Damaris Penias said “Blood donations are always important...
Awareness Health Highlands NewsOil Search Foundation and Hela Provincial Health Authority Fight Against TBLillian Keneqa24/06/202024/06/2020 by Lillian Keneqa24/06/202024/06/202001835 TB is a major public health crisis and impacts people’s livelihoods as well as the economy of PNG....
Featured Health Highlands NewsKoroba District Hospital Receives K3 million for Major Redevelopmentadminuser2405/03/201905/03/2019 by adminuser2405/03/201905/03/201901545 Oil Search Foundation is contributing up to K3 million to help fund the redevelopment of the Koroba District hospital in Hela....