A Special Parliamentary Committee has been formed to identify problems in public service delivery andthe government’s implementation process.
This Special Parliamentary Committee on Public Sector Reform and Service Delivery was formed as a result of public and Parliamentary dissatisfaction of service delivery throughouPNG.
The Committee outlined thatthe public sector is not performing to expectations and is impeding rther than facilitating services.
Yesterdaythe Committee held its first press conference to outline its role and responsibility to overhaulthe public service delivery system.
Chairman ofthe Committee and member for Goroka Open, Bere Kimisopa, saidthe ambition ofthe committee is to see tangible development results onthe ground.
Mr Kimisopa added thatthe committee has wide range of powers to investigatethe reasons of non-performance bythe public sector and recommend remedial measures.
Deputy Chairman and Nothern Governor, Gary Juffa, voiced that he is optimistic to see greater changes to build effective and efficient services to rural areas.
Governor Juffa saidthe whole idea is to overhaulthe government’s service delivery system.
The Committee will hold consultation forums and receive submissions fromthe public to highlight systematic weaknesses and provide strategies to reformthe public sector.
The Committee intends to present an annual report to parliament in September onthe progress to improver service delivery.